Well, unless you’ve been living under a rock these last five months, you understand life has been anything but normal! We’re trying to make up for lost time and have several events planned including a trap shoot, our youth and ladies outdoor days, and a habitat project near Craig, CO; we hope you consider joining us. In addition, our long time supporters at KB Kennels are giving away a beautiful chocolate lab puppy! Details on all events and the puppy giveaway are below.
Sporting Clays Shoot – Habitat Style!
We will be hosting a sporting clays shoot at Great Guns Sporting on Saturday, August 22, 2020.

However, there is a twist! Some of the clays will be loaded with habitat seed attached to them. When you hit the clay you will scatter the seed, and with a little luck, create habitat in the process.
The proceeds from this shoot will benefit our habitat and outreach programs.
WHERE: Great Guns Sporting 16126 Co. Rd. 96 Nunn, Co. 80648WHEN: Saturday, August 22, 2020
TIME: 9:00 AM
COST: $50 for adults and $30 for youths 16 and under
This event is for everyone including youth. Prizes will be awarded as follows:
- The best adult score
- The best youth score
- The best adult-youth team score
- The best adult score at hitting the habitat clays (these clays will be put is specific traps and are a different color)
- The best youth score at hitting the habitat clays.
So come and join us. Contact Stan Barthlama at 970-214-5928 or sbarthlama@msn.com if you have questions. Registration is not required ahead of time, but if possible, Stan appreciates you letting him know ahead of time.

Youth and Ladies Events Have Been Scheduled
Registration for both our youth and ladies events are now open. Each day will include trap shooting, archery, target shooting, and a LIVE PHEASANT HUNT. More importantly, you will have fun alongside fellow outdoor enthusiasts in a safe and pressure free environment. Space is limited to 18 participants at the youth event and 12 participants at the ladies event. Don’t delay in registering!
Please note, lunch will NOT be served at these events. Please bring a sack lunch. Learn more about each event at the below links.
• Youth Event – September 19
• Ladies Event – October 3

Chocolate Lab Puppy Giveaway!
KB KENNELS of Pierce, Colorado is giving away a CHOCOLATE LAB PUPPY to a lucky youth on Friday, September 4, 2020. This is a great opportunity to have a new best friend for years to come.
To win this puppy the following rules apply:
- Youth must be 10 to 16 years of age
- Must write an essay of 500 words or less as to why you want to receive this puppy and what you plan to do with the puppy.
- Please include Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail address and Birth date of the youth.
- Entries must be e-mailed to kbkennels5@msn.com by 5pm WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 2020.
- If you win the puppy, A MONTHLY REPORT with pictures must be sent to KB KENNELS for the first year.
If you have any questions, please contact Stan Barthlama, Outreach Coordinator for Northern Colorado Pheasants Forever – Phone 970-214-5928 or E-mail sbarthlama@msn.com
Habitat Improvement Project Near Craig, CO
That’s right, Pheasants Forever has a great volunteer opportunity on our western slope.
The upcoming wet meadow restoration project using Zeedyk rock structures is scheduled for September 9-12, and will benefit multiple species including sage grouse, mule deer, elk, migratory birds and more. The rock structures are strategically built in wet meadows/drainages within sagebrush rangelands. These structures help naturally heal active erosion due to runoff to improve the habitat for sage grouse and other wildlife.
We will be working alongside Wildlife Restoration Volunteers (WRV), who has the “go-ahead” to proceed with the project following social distancing and limited group size of volunteers per Colorado Dept. of Health & Environment (CDPHE) guidelines. Volunteers will also be split into very small groups to work on site.
For questions about the project and to register, please contact Rebecca Burton (Pheasants Forever/Natural Resources Conservation Service) at (970) 329-3160 or rburton@pheasantsforever.org
Check out this flyer for more details