Habitat; without it we have nothing. Northern Colorado Pheasants Forever recognizes this and is committed to habitat improvement in Eastern Colorado; the heart of pheasant and quail habitat.

Here is the evidence:

  • Pheasants Forever has six biologists, with an additional two vacant positions, strategically located in northwest, northeast, and southeast Colorado. Our Chapter contributed $20,000 to help fund this critical program and these important positions!
  • In 2024, these biologists have logged some impressive numbers:
    • Landowner contacts: 987
    • CRP acres impacted: 168,627.12
    • EQIP acres impacted: 10,987.02
    • CSP acres impacted: 4,765.2
    • CPW acres impacted: 4,514.46
      • This includes Corners for Conservation, which the Northern Colorado Chapter contributed $25,000

Click here to download Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever Team Colorado Coverage Map

Colorado Farm Bill Biologist, Partners, worth their weight in GOLD, have created One Million Acres of Habitat

One Million Acres of Habitat

As seen on page 137 of the Pheasant’ Forever Winter, 2018 magazine. Check out this magazine for the entire story.

Colorado Farm Bill Biologist (CFBB) are worth their weight in gold! In fact in seven short years, and in conjunction with landowners, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, and the Western Association of Fish and Wild Life Agencies, our biologist have created ‘one million acres of habitat’.

We could not be more proud of them and are happy to support the CFBB program.

Colorado’s Corners for Conservation a Win-Win for Landowners, Habitat, and Pheasant Hunters

In light of changes to the Conservation Reserve Program, Colorado Parks and Wildlife has partnered with Pheasants Forever, the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program (through Natural Resources Conservation Service ), High Plains Land Conservancy and Muley Fanatics Foundation to provide Corners for Conservation—677 acres of grassland wildlife habitat and 82 new hunting spots in Phillips, Sedgwick, and Kit Carson Counties.

“Colorado Parks and Wildlife is proud to be a partner in this important effort for wildlife conservation on the Eastern Plains,” said Bob Broscheid, director of Colorado Parks and Wildlife. “We are excited about the new opportunities to partner with Colorado landowners and Pheasants Forever to provide vitally important wildlife habitat and ensure hunting access for Colorado sportsmen and women.”

This joint habitat initiative provides a starting point to address the decline of Colorado’s grassland habitat while providing benefits for key wildlife species such as ring-necked pheasants, grassland songbirds, and pollinating insects. Corners for Conservation projects will be open to public hunting through the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Walk-in Access program beginning on November 12, 2016. Interested small game hunters can locate these new sites in the forthcoming Late Cropland Atlas, due in late October 2016.

Click here to read the entire article


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NOCOPF is highlighted in the 2014 Pheasants Forever Magazine

Check out the Article on Pg 45 of your new Pheasants Forever Magazine. It features Northern Colorado Pheasants Forever’s youth outreach efforts, and includes a picture of our latest Pollinator Plot Project!
